Sunday, November 15, 2009

Assignment #1: The ARC

The Activities and Recreation Center, better known as the ARC, is a student facility here at University of Illinois. It provides activities for individual students as well as intramural leagues for student sport teams at the university. It is a newly opened facility that is taking campus recreation to another level here at Illinois.

In 1971 the Inturmural-Physical Education Building was opened at University of Illinois. In 2005, this building went under a complete renovation that lasted over 3 years in order to produce what is now the largest campus-recreation center in the nation. The project was made possible by a referendum voted on by students and passed by the University. The purpose of the referendum was to provide more recreation opportunities, reduce overcrowding, address space issues, and meet the needs of University of Illinois students.

The ARC provides several employment opportunities, especially for students. Jobs are available in several different departments within the center including: Adventure recreation, aquatics, ice arena, wellness services, facility management, event management, personal training, and more. Professional, graduate, and intern positions are also available at the facility. In order to apply for a position, one must attend an informational meeting, submit written and online applications, and follow up with a personal interview.

The current trend in student recreation is to provide a vast variety of activities. Because of this, the ARC offers amenities to a wide-range of individuals as well as many clubs, teams, and leagues. The large 340,000 square foot facility helps prevent over-crowding, which is a major issue in campus recreation.

The ARC’s definition of leisure is to creating opportunities to help students save time, relieve stress, and lead healthier lives. They aim to provide premier facilities here at University of Illinois in the most convenient way for students. The center offers free access to students with a simple swipe of a student ID card.

I go to the ARC almost every day, and yet through this research I have found out services I never even knew were available. The variety of activities the ARC has to offer also becomes beneficial for careers in the agency. Potential employees can get a look into multiple departments within the facility, and network with fellow employees and staff. Through recreation improvement committees, staff members also can develop leadership skills. The student recreation agency is an essential part of college leisure. Being able to keep up with recreation trends is an important part of student recreation, and is definitely something to consider for those who consider a career in the agency. Overall, the ARC fits into the leisure delivery system because it gives students a place to spend their free time. Whether it is lifting weights, playing sports, running, or taking advantage of the free wireless internet; there is something for most every student on campus.

Written by: Cody Lindsey

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